LocustLED 2016
LocuStLed 2016
Install dimensions: variable
LED: 10 x 36”
LED, tweet-length messages contributed by forty individuals
A curatorial project for Woodland Pattern Book Center that pays homage to Jenny Holzer’s influential work with public signage. LocuStLed became a model for ongoing, rotating programing at Woodland Pattern.
A takeaway broadside was designed by Chuck Stebelton and produced by Woodland Pattern for the project.
Margaret Noodin
Martha Wilson
Stacy Szymaszek
Michelle Grabner and Brad Killam
Anne Bray
Riverwest Yogashala
Nick Tobier
Sector 2337
Jennifer Delos Reyes
Stephanie Barber
Thomas Hellstrom
Debra Brehmer
Thalia Field
Dan Torop
Kate Sierzputowski
Sara Krajewski
Alderman Michael J. Murphy
Shalem Healing Inc.
Donna Stonecipher
Robert J. Baumann
Zach Hill
Anika Wilson
Jason S. Yi
Santiago Cucullu
Brenda Cárdenas
Roberto Harrison
Arijit Sen
Riverwest Coop
Joshua Martin Ballew
Theresa Columbus
Nirmal Raja
Sabina Ott
Temporary Art Review
Tyanna Buie
Monique Meloche
Matt Cook
Alec Finlay
Chuck Stebelton
Roger White
Assaf Evron
Additional Info:
2. [adapted from “This artist sees the dual citizenship we all hold in self-love and self-loathing, while recognizing that she does not really want to see into her darkest self.” (161 characters)] —Martha Wilson
11. Tuesday, June 27th, 1950, Provincetown, Massachusetts. Among the local LGBT activists researched at the UWM LGBT Archive is Eldon Murray, an internationally recognized LGBT leader throughout the 1950s - 2000s. Housed in the archive's collection are Eldon's personal letters from friends and lovers, in particular correspondence with Eldon's close confidante Chips. For LocusStLed I've edited portions of a letter dated July 27, 1950 Chips wrote to Eldon from Provincetown, Massachusetts, a known gay resort even in the 1950s. —Thomas Hellstrom
13. (from Leave to Remain, by Thalia Field & Abigail Lang) "Facing what’s coming, is there a better question than who is a friend and who is an enemy? A window between words, behind wordlessness." —Thalia Field
14. Thinking of William Carlos William's Paterson "beauty is / a defiance of authority" as quoted by Susan Howe in Spontaneous Particulars. And the "art of social authority". And Woodland Pattern's stock of Patersons and Howes Is BEAUTY a DEFIANCE of AUTHORITY? How does BEAUTY Defy an AUTHORITY which Makes Beauty its Friend? Is it enough that Beauty can Calm Panic? —Dan Torop
16. Adaptation of Jenny Holzer's “Abuse of power comes as no surprise.” —Sara Krajewski
17. Quote from C. S. Lewis, —Alderman Michael J. Murphy
19. Quote from Model Cities; It was like being in a silent film, where we spoke to each other with great emotion, but no words at all were coming out of our mouths. —Donna Stonecipher
35. Quote from Grace Coddington's Grace: A Memoir 2012 I read for Carrie Schneider “Reading Women” at Haggerty Museum —Monique Meloche
38. from Historic Designation Study Report, Historic Preservation Commission Meeting of November 16, 1998: "In our time, 1208 housed both W. H. Auden and Dylan Thomas on their respective lecture tours, as well as various other visiting Elks. Auden was fascinated, and asked for a guided tour. "It looks just like an English cottage!" he said, and I [Jean] told him that was only proper since an English family had built it. Thomas peed in the rose bushes and sat up all night drinking, despite my efforts to get him to bed in the freshly cleaned and prepared guest room."